
data administration meaning in English

数 据 管 理


  1. Office automation and data administration
  2. 3 . the design of locomotive depot administration center : built up the locomotive running condition database , finished the corresponding applied program and realized the functions , such as the data administration , the query and trend analysis of diesel engine running condition , and so on
  3. It emphasizes particularly on strategic data planning and absorbs a lot of experiences from information resource management and data administration . it also combines practice of many large or medium domestic information construction projects . then it has developed a complete set of system including theory , method and tools by the principle of science , brachylogy and practicality
  4. Now , because the means of data administration is very poor and some other reasons , the market data approach is scarcely used by land valuator . in this paper , the author analyzes the application actuality and difficulties of the market data approach , and try to overcome these difficulties . then the author accomplishes applied geographical information system for the market data approach based on urban land grading and evaluation system , taking nantong city as example , and has got anticipative purpose
  5. In this paper we take microsoft windows nt4 . 0 as operating system , take microsoft excel2000 as the data administration system to realize data exchange and the report function ; take microsoft visual basic 6 . 0 as the data link system to realize the communication of the optical fiber liquid height meter with the rs - 232 of the work controlling machine ; take general supervision system mcgs as systematic configuration software to realize the configuration function of supervision appearance
    文中以microsoftwindowsnt4 . 0为操作系统;以microsoftexcel2000为数据管理系统,来进行数据交换,以及实现报表功能;以microsoftvisualbasic6 . 0为数据链接系统,来实现光纤液位计与工控机的rs - 232的通讯;以通用监控系统mcgs为系统组态软件,来实现监控画面组态功能。
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Related Words

  1. administration branch
  2. power administration
  3. administration routes
  4. destination administration
  5. water administration
  6. administration command
  7. level administration
  8. pharmaceutical administration
  9. customs administration
  10. administration route
  11. data addressed storage
  12. data adjustment
  13. data administration system
  14. data administrator
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